You can browse my Graphic and Editorial works, Including oversea works (Japanese Tourist Guide Magazine, California Advertising). Of course Japanese past office's works (Internet Mania Magazine, Byakuya Shobo) exists too. Today I lose my tiny freelance job. Now It gradually become well.
The legendary top graphic designer in America, David Carson. I produce his fanzine on the net. A respect made this site. Links and the concept and a chat contain. over 20 years ago when I decided to make his fanzine on the net. I wrote down a hope of to make up David Carson fan site on the net. A guy sent mails to my past office. He taught me java script technique and some concept. His mail address has changed. I Can't communicate now.
The cools in the net appears as frequency. I am a sort of analog man. The net is too wide to me. My life style is changed. and I changed this sentence right now. I want to add more links.
Free Download techino musics. I joined SoundCloud. The link is in it.
I started to join Facebook.
I started to join Instagram too.
Connection Welcome. I wait with Linkedin Page.